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The Finishing Touch: How to Choose a Granite Finish

YOU’VE LOOKED through stacks of samples and slabs and now you’ve chosen the perfect granite for your new countertops. Whew! The hardest part is over, but you still need the finishing touch, the granite finish. Which one should you choose? The answer will depend on appearance, of course, but also on your time and tolerance for maintenance as well as surroundings. Let’s take a look at the three most popular granite finishes and see how they compare in these three areas.

Granite Finishes: the Look and Feel

Smooth and glossy, a polished finish is the look most people associate with granite countertops. To achieve this reflective surface, granite has to be polished with industrial diamond pads in a multi-step process. Polishing accentuates the natural colors in the granite, making them appear richer and deeper. Any reflective minerals in the stone will shine more brilliantly.

A honed finish, while also smooth to the touch, achieves the opposite look. If granite were paint, polished would be glossy and honed would be matte. Muted in color and with little or no sheen, a honed countertop has a more casual, natural appearance popular in contemporary kitchens.

A feast for the fingers as well as the eyes, a leathered finish “polishes the stone while leaving the natural contours and grooves intact,” explains Remodel Works, allowing you to feel the beauty of your granite as well as see it. A leather finish enhances the color without adding a glossy shine, making it perfect for darker, complex hues. “Some materials look phenomenal when you leather them, but others don’t,” cautions WilgusIQ owner Shane Wilgus. “It’s best to talk it over with your salesperson before you decide on the finish.”

Compare different styles of black granite in polished, honed and leathered finishes.

How Granite Finishes Impact Maintenance

The most hygienic, water and stain-resistant granite finish is polished. The extra polishing and buffing it receives helps close the stone’s natural pores. Because it’s less porous, it’s easier to clean and doesn’t need to be resealed as often. Of course, no granite is impervious to stains, and the shinier the surface the more likely it is to show handprints and crumbs.

A honed finish does a better job of concealing little imperfections, but it can be finicky. Exposed pores absorb liquids, oils and acids more readily, requiring a rapid response to any spills. Depending on the granite, honed countertops may need more frequent sealing and a special matte sealer.

The texture that makes leathered granite so attractive can also make it more difficult to clean and more prone to chips and scratches.

How Surroundings Affect Your Choice of Granite Finishes

When choosing the color of your granite countertops, you no doubt tried to visualize how it would look in its surroundings. The same applies to your granite finish. The amount of light and the size and style of the room are key.

For example, will the sun be shining on the countertops for most of the day? “In an area with a lot of light,” observes Shane Wilgus, “you may not want a highly-reflective finish like polished. In that case, honed or leathered is a good choice.” Conversely, if the room is dark a polished finish can help lighten it. 

Are you working with a small space? A polished finish will act like a mirror, reflecting the light, and make the room seem larger. Do you want to make a large space feel more cozy? A muted honed finish might be just the thing. 

Are you working with a space that is already rich in architectural detail, color or decor? A textured leathered finish may just add to the noise. But if your room features clean lines and neutral colors, a leather finish will make it pop like the Fourth of July.

Granite finishes are the finishing touch that enhance the impact of your countertops and help harmonize them with your lifestyle. For personal assistance on choosing a granite finish, you are always welcome at the WilgusIQ showroom on Scenic Avenue. There you can also browse our indoor and outdoor slab yards. For directions and operating hours, please click the “Get Directions” button below.